Chiketto Buyer GUARANTEE

Can I trust the tickets obtained through Chiketto ?

Absolutely! Chiketto will obtain tickets only from official primary sellers and we make sure that tickets are purchased by your name, meaning they are completely your own tickets! In addition, all of the tickets purchased through Chiketto are backed by our Buyer Guarantee.

If your event is canceled, we will handle the cancellation process and get your money back. Or, if you are not able to go to an event, we can resell your tickets. This doesn't happen often but we want to make sure that you're covered if it does!

1.  Your tickets will be delivered in time for your suggested local locations.

2. Your tickets will provide valid entry to the event.

3.  If the event is canceled and the event organizers offer buyers a refund, we can take care of your refund process if we hold your tickets. (We recommend you to choose local shipping options because of this rule!).

The money paid back to you will be the face value of tickets minus actual fees (in case the primary seller charges - most the cases they don't). Chiketto will not charge extra fees for the refund process. However, our fees will not be refunded.

4. If an event is postponed, you may use the tickets on the rescheduled date. If you cannot attend the event on the rescheduled date, Chiketto can resell your tickets. As the local law requires, we will only resell them below face value. Your money will be returned after deductions of our resale service fee(1500 JPY per ticket incl. consumption tax) and actual costs (secondary platform fee, shipping cost etc.). Chiketto does not provide refunds for postponed or rescheduled events. 

What is Chiketto?

Chiketto is the largest event ticket search engine offered in English. We are able to provide you with full support from finding your Japanese event to purchasing your tickets. We are here to help you discover Japanese events, and will always have your back throughout the whole process!


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