Kabuki, Noh, Kyogen Tickets in Osaka

Buy Tokyo & Osaka Kabuki, Noh and Kyogen event tickets at Chiketto. 100% Buyer guarantee with transparent fees! We will secure tickets for you upon request. A service fee will be added seperately, and the total price may be higher than face value.

Featured Kabuki Events

Kabuki, Noh, Kyogen Schedule & Tickets

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Chiketto is the largest event ticket search engine offered in English. We are able to provide you with full support from finding your Japanese event to purchasing your tickets. We are here to help you discover Japanese events, and will always have your back throughout the whole process!


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Tips: How to buy Kabuki Tickets

Depending on the venue, Kabuki tickets are usually popular and often sold out, especially at weekends.  Here are some tips on how to get tickets!

1. Get as soon as general on-sale tickets get available.

Kabuki tickets go on general sale approximately one month before the first performance. You can check our list of tickets above.  You will need to act quickly, especially on weekends - tickets are very competitive.

2. Book tour package tickets

Some travel companies have been able to offer Kabuki tickets in advance as package tours (before COVID). You can secure tickets well in advance (around 6 months) compared to general on-sale tickets - sometimes tickets are very competitive.

3. Try tour tickets - Jungyo

Kabuki also tours all over Japan (called Jungyo). As this is not a regular Kabuki venue, there are fewer regulars - which means tickets are cheaper and more available. They often do this Jungyo tour near Osaka, which could be a good opportunity for you.

4. See Events Lists

Below is the event lists of Osaka Kabuki tickets. You can also check the list below to see what's going on!

All events

2024/3/2 (Sat) -2024/3/24 (Sun)

March Hanagata Kabuki

Minamiza (Kyoto Prefecture)

2024/3/20 (Wed)

Shigeyama Kyogen Association Spring -Mt.

Kongo Noh Theater (Kyoto Prefecture)

2024/3/20 (Wed)

The 16th Kobe Noh

Kobe Cultural Hall Naka Hall (Hyogo Prefecture)

2024/3/23 (Sat)

Kyogen Gokai Special Performance

Oe Noh Theater (Kyoto Prefecture)

2024/3/24 (Sun)

"Kosan no Kai" Nozoda Natural Judge Noser

Otsuki Noh Theater (Osaka Prefecture)

2024/4/20 (Sat)

Play with classics Spring Moriyama Kyogen Association Fun fun together

Hyogo Prefectural Art and Cultural Center Hankyu Naka Hall (Hyogo Prefecture)

2024/4/20 (Sat)

Play with classics Spring Moriyama Kyogen Association Tofu Kyogen

Hyogo Prefectural Art and Cultural Center Hankyu Naka Hall (Hyogo Prefecture)

2024/5/18 (Sat)

The 25th Ikeda Firewood Noh

Ikeda Castle Ruins Park Special Water Noh Stage (Osaka Prefecture)

2024/6/8 (Sat)

2024 Club SOJA Planning of Tofu Tofu Sanpo -Introduction to Kyogen for Adult-

Kongo Noh Theater (Kyoto Prefecture)